Popit! Little Big Box vs Other Leading Brands

Not all plastic containers are the same. We put a lot love into Popit! containers and today we want to talk to you about two things in particular that make Popit! containers stand out from the crowd.
1.What's not in our plastic
A lot of thought has gone into deciding what Popit! containers were gonna be made of, but just as much thought went into what they shouldn't be made of, like BPA.
There's conflicting information about BPA out there. The FDA says it's safe enough, whatever that means. They claim that the amount of BPA that makes its way into your food is harmless. But why would you want it there in the first place? BPA is ultimately unnecessary and perfectly avoidable, and that's what we did: avoid it.
What does that mean?
Well, it means that Popit! containers don't have any BPA in them and what that means to you is that you can pop it into the microwave without worrying that BPA will melt and mix with your food.
It means Popit! containers are made with a higher quality of plastic. It means Popit! containers are healthier and safer than those containing BPA.
To us, what this means is that you never have to worry about it.
2. Locking Lids
Has it ever happened to you that you're not certain whether a container's been properly closed or not? You find yourself pressing against the edges of the lid trying to find out if one of them wasn't pressed hard enough.
That never happens with Popit! Why? Reassurance; when our lids are locked, you know it. They pop. Hence the name: Popit!
They don't just pop, they pop in a very satisfactory way. That sound feedback is just like music to our ears. Pop, pop, pop, pop. And that means you're ready to go.
Don't you just love things that pop?

... like, a lot?
Some even say popping things has a therapeutic element to it.
We, here at Popit!, are very fond of things that pop. And we pop them. We pop things that pop all the time and we love it.
How do you feel about BPA? How do you feel about things that pop? Do you like them as much as we do? We really hope that's the case.